Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media
for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship
Vetta Darmi Yetti*
, Siti Mayang Sari
, Akmaluddin
Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
*Corresponding email: vett[email protected]
This article aims to describe the effectiveness of using Canva as a medium for
learning creative products and entrepreneurship in vocational high schools.
Globalisation brings major changes in the order of life of society. These
changes are driven by the development of science and technology, which has
an impact on various sectors of life including education. The design of learning
media at this time does not only utilise objects that can be found in everyday
life but also utilise the digital world. Canva is an application that can be
developed in the process of making learning media for creative products and
entrepreneurship which really needs media as an introduction to information
from abstract learning material content. The Canva application provides a
variety of interesting features that can facilitate teachers in making learning
media, one of which is the availability of various templates that can be used in
the process of designing learning media, one of which is the subject of creative
products and entrepreneurship in vocational high schools. In the
implementation of this research, the literature review method is used, namely
by the process of laying, obtaining, reading, and evaluating various research
literature related to or related to the issues to be studied. The data described are
the results of research on the effectiveness of using the Canva application that
has been carried out by previous researchers.
Keywords: Learning Media, Canva, Creative product learning and entrepreneurship
in vocational high school
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Science
Technology And Health (ICONESTH 2023 Universitas Bina Bangsa
Getsempena, Dec 12-14, 2023, Banda Aceh, Indonesia)
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
Globalisation is a process where there is a worldwide change in the order
of society and there is no time limit (Alwi, 2019). Globalisation brings about
many changes in all aspects of human life. The development of science and
technology encourages change, and it also encourages humans to be able to
adapt and keep up with every flow of development. Globalisation that is
currently occurring throughout the world cannot be separated from the rapid
development of information and communication technology as the main
supporting factor (Magdalena et al., 2020). The development of information
and communication technology is closely related to the development of science
in the world of education, it can even be said that the development of
information and communication technology is the result of the development of
science itself, so that these developments must also be utilized in the world of
Canva is one of the many applications that teachers can use in creating
learning media. Canva is an online design application, which provides a variety
of graphic designs consisting of; presentations, posters, pamphlets, graphics,
banners, invitation cards, photo editing and Facebook covers (Tri Wulandari &
Adam Mudinillah, 2022). Canva makes it very easy for teachers to design
learning media, as (Triningsih, 2021) said that Canva makes it easier for
teachers and students to carry out the learning process based on technology,
skills, creativity, along with other benefits, this is because the design results
using Canva can increase students' interest in learning activities and increase
students' motivation by presenting teaching materials and materials in an
attractive manner.
According to (Fitria et al., 2021) stated that the use of Canva in the
creation of learning media has many advantages, namely; with Canva we can
create various types of designs that are equipped with a variety of animation
features, templates as well as page layouts that can encourage creativity and
time efficiency for both teachers or even students in the activities of designing
interesting media that can be used as presentation materials, such as slides,
mind mapping and posters. This is because many features are already available,
such as drag and drop loading that makes it easier for users to apply it, even
students can collaborate in the design process so students can work in groups.
Similarly to (Rahmawati & Atmojo, 2021), he stated that the Canva application
has the following advantages, namely: (1) there is a variety of attractive designs
available; (2) it improves the creativity of both teachers or students in creating
learning media by leveraging the variety of features available; (3) it is time-
saving and practical in designing learning media; (4) the design activities can
be done using a laptop or gadget.
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
In learning creative products and entrepreneurship, it is very necessary
to use learning media. This is because the material of creative and
entrepreneurial products is abstract, so to adjust to the cognitive capacity of
students who are still operational-concrete (Nuryati & Darsinah, 2021),
learning media can be used to help concretize the abstraction so that it can be
understood by students. The learning process of creative and entrepreneurial
products itself is carried out by the teacher as a facilitator who is able to create
ideal conditions in learning activities and is able to provide facilities that can
facilitate students in observing and processing information to find their own
concepts from what they see and learn.
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that the use of the Canva
application in making learning media will greatly assist teachers in preparing
designs in transferring information to students in the form of learning materials.
Especially in the subject of creative products and entrepreneurship whose
material is abstract, by utilizing Canva students can be helped in seeing the
objects studied directly and fostering students' interest in learning activities.
Especially in material that is very abstract and cannot be witnessed by students
in their daily lives. Therefore, this study aims to describe the effectiveness of
using the Canva application in making learning media for creative product and
entrepreneurship subjects at vocational high schools.
The method developed by research is a literary research approach the
way he wrote the essays written by Manzilati (2017) and Manzilati (2017). The
past 21 months have been able to improve media digital video, applications to
increase creativity and achieve XI of SMK Negeri 1 Tapaktuan. That means
instead of reading this article, you can read an article that helps you "View
video content with apps available on the big screen", "Start working from 21",
and "Create media products and get creative". Literature discovered by
ResearchGate and Google Scholar.
Learning media is one of the determinants of the success of the teaching
and learning process in the classroom. Munadi in (Mahardika et al., 2021)
explains that learning media is a container in the delivery and distribution of
information to recipients, so that it can produce teaching and learning activities
that are planned effectively and efficiently in order to create a conducive
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
learning environment, which makes it easier for students to understand the
subject matter and increase students' interest in learning further. Meanwhile, in
a broader definition, learning media are tools, methods, and techniques that are
useful in order to realise effective communication or interaction between
teachers and students during the learning process in the classroom (Supardi,
2017). From the definitions listed above, the conclusion that can be drawn is
that learning media is a tool used in channeling information in the form of
subject matter in order to create interaction between teachers and students
during the learning process.
In terms of media characteristics, Gerlach and Ely in (Nurul Audie,
2019) suggest three media characteristics that can be the reason for using
learning media and explain what the media can do but cannot be done by
teachers, namely:
1. Fixative characteristics, namely the media has the ability to build an
event, besides that it is also able to record, store, and preserve the
media, in various forms of photos, audio or video. All things enshrined
with the media can be produced and used easily when needed, with the
fixative characteristics of the media the teacher can use the media at
any time.
2. Manipulative feature, where changes can occur to an event or object.
For example, an event that lasts for several days can be shortened to
just a few minutes by utilising timelapse and slowmotion features.
Timelapse can be used in speeding up an event stored in a media format
while slowmotion is used to slow down an event or object stored. This
feature of the media requires full attention during the editing process to
avoid mistakes, such as when cutting parts of the video or in the video
sequence so that it does not appear different from the actual event.
3.Distributive feature, which is a feature that gives the possibility of an
object or event to be transported through space, and events or objects can
be witnessed simultaneously by students in even large numbers with
experiential stimuli as if students are involved in it. Once an object or event
is recorded in any media format, it can be produced and used
simultaneously and repeatedly in various places.
Boholano in (Rahmatullah et al., 2020) states that collaborative and
learner-centered learning is effective and fun. As Aji in (Fitri & Mudinillah,
2022), said there are three functions of learning media, namely: helping
students to be interested in deepening the lesson resulting from stimulation,
connecting teachers with students, and displaying information explained by the
teacher. The important thing to remember is that learning media should be in
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
accordance with the cognitive abilities of students in order to optimally support
learning activities.
Canva is one of the many applications that can be utilized in designing
learning media. The features available can be developed as creatively as
possible and make learning activities in the classroom more communicative and
visually easier and more fun. In the saddest Canva application, there are many
templates that can be used easily, namely templates for posters, flyers, logos,
documents, for posting on Instagram, wallpapers, reports, photo collages,
newspapers, magazine covers, announcements, videos, book covers, business
cards, brochures, infographics, story boards, templates for posting photos or
videos on social media, invitations and others, which of course can be sent to
various social media platforms.
Besides the various types of templates that can be used easily, the
Canva application also contains the following features: (1) millions of images,
either in the form of photos, vectors, illustrations, even users can upload photos
from their own devices. (2) photo filters, edit photos using filters that are easy
to use; (3) icons and shapes, there are various types of icons, shapes, and
elements that can be used easily and there are thousands of choices and can
upload their own elements (Rahmatullah et al., 2020); (4) fonts, access
hundreds of fonts that are ready to be used for various types of designs; (5)
backgrounds, there are various types of backgrounds that can be used to
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
beautify the design. (6) audio, can be searched and used easily. As a result of
the design, the Canva application has six forms of download for the finished
design, consisting of PNG, JPG, standard PDF or Print, Video (MP4), and
animation (MP4/GIF) (Siska, 2022). Many options are provided in Canva so
that it provides flexibility for users in creating various types of designs.
Besides being able to be utilised as a means of creating learning media,
with the Canva application we can also create various types of designs. As
according to Nayoan there are various types of designs that can be created
through the Canva application, namely as follows:
1. Logo, which is a form of effort that can be made to build branding. In
the Canva application, there are various forms and types of templates
that make it easier for users to design a unique logo.
2. Posters, used in advertising various types of products to services.
3. Featured Image Blog, usually found in an article that serves to beautify
the blog design so that blog visitors feel comfortable reading the article.
Creating a featured image blog quickly and instantly can be done by
utilizing the Canva application.
4. infographics, made to make the content of a blog more varied, namely
by interspersing articles with infographics. Infographics are basically
very complex and cannot be designed by just anyone. However,
through Canva, making infographics can be done easily.
5. Newsletter, can be created easily through Canva and helps save time
when designing the email content.
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
6. Social Media Content, the Canva application can simplify the process
of designing visual media for all types of social media.
7. YouTube Thumbnails, which are images created to show the overall
content of a video.
8. Product Packaging Design, where the Canva application can be utilized
in creating packaging designs for various forms of products.
9. Invoice, which is payment details for buyers in online stores. The
Canva application can help sellers create invoices that are different
from other stores.
10. Advertising Banners, can be created using the Canva application
(Siska, 2022).
In its use for the learning process, the Canva application contains many
templates that can make it easier for teachers when creating creative learning
media designs and can also make students interested. Whether in the form of
power points, in the form of posters, or even in the form of interactive learning
videos. Canva provides space for teachers to explore and develop their
creativity in designing learning media. Especially with the touch of hundreds
of thousands of elements that will make the learning design more interesting.
Canva application can also be accessed through laptops or devices, and there
are many tutorials on the YouTube platform, so there is no significant difficulty
in operating the Canva application.
The following are the steps for using the Canva application either using
a device or using a laptop that is easily accessible to users, namely:
1. download the Canva application via play store for device users or open
Canva via the official Canva website, namely,
https://www.Canva.com/id_id/ for laptop users.
2. create a Canva account, account creation can be done using a Facebook,
google or Gmail account.
3. creating designs through Canva, making designs tailored to your needs,
with the help of templates teachers can use Canva easily and can
change elements, fonts, or images as needed. And there are various
features that are easy to apply with a simple display so as not to make
it difficult for users.
4. saving the design results from Canva, after the design is complete, the
last step is to save the design that has been made. How to save the
design is simply by clicking the down arrow-shaped sign in the upper
right corner and the design will be saved in the gallery or storage file.
Besides the effectiveness and ease of use of the Canva application,
many studies have been found that discuss the effectiveness of using Canva in
making learning media. Such as the results of research conducted by
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
(Rahmatullah et al., 2020), namely regarding the use of audio-visual learning
media designed using the Canva application shows that audio-visual learning
media is feasible to be applied to learning activities, which in this study shows
that the effectiveness of its use is not only during the offline learning process
but also in the online learning process. The results of the audio-visual media
design are very favored by students not only from the aspect of the
completeness of the content but also the appearance of the media favored by
students. Then, (Amini & Pujiharti, 2021) conducted research using Canva
learning video media in economics subjects, in this study students seemed very
interested and active in commenting after watching the learning videos
presented by the researcher. Even though it is different at the education level,
the use of the Canva application to design learning media gets a good response
from students.
The results of the needs analysis activities carried out by Hapsari,
(GITA, 2021), show that 9 out of 10 teachers stated that the learning media in
the form of animated videos made using Canva are very interesting and teachers
feel the need and also agree to use learning media by utilizing the Canva
application in delivering creative product and entrepreneurship material. Then
the results of the same analysis were shown by students, namely, 91.4% of
students said that the learning media in the form of animated videos were very
interesting and 83.4% of students stated that they needed the use of learning
media in the form of animated videos using the Canva application in the
learning process of creative product material and entrepreneurship. (Hapsari &
Zulherman, 2021) also conducted research on the development of animated
video media using Canva in order to increase students' motivation and learning
achievement. Based on this research, it can be seen that student motivation and
achievement can be improved by using learning media in the form of animated
videos designed using the Canva application.
The teacher is a facilitator in learning activities; therefore, the teacher
is required to be able to provide learning media to support students' learning
activities in the classroom. Making learning media itself should be aligned with
learning materials, student characteristics and learning objectives that must be
completed. Making learning media can be done by utilizing various design
applications, one of which is Canva. Canva is an online design application
which can be accessed for free and can be operated easily, the use of learning
media using Canva can help students in clarifying their understanding of
abstract material in creative product and entrepreneurship lessons. So that there
is no verbalism in students and overcome the limitations of space, time, energy
when implementing the learning process, and increase students' interest in both
online and offline learning.
Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship,
Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin
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