David Edward Unger
Division of Natural Sciences
Biology Department
Maryville College
Maryville, TN 37804
Ph.D. University of Kentucky 12/07
College of Agriculture, Department of Forestry
Dissertation Project: Population dynamics, resource selection, and landscape
conservation of a recolonizing black bear (Ursus americanus)
M.S. University of Wisconsin--Stevens Point 5/99
College of Natural Resources
Thesis Project:Spatial and habitat factors of timber wolf (Canis lupus nubulis)
den and rendezvous sites in Northern Wisconsin and East-central
B.S. Magna Cum Laude, Eastern University, St. Davids, PA 5/92
Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry
Related Experience:
August 2016 Present: Associate Professor of Biology: Maryville College, Maryville, TN.
Tenured and Promoted May 2016. Courses taught are noted below.
June 2017 Present: Adjunct Graduate Professor: South College Physician’s Assistant
Graduate Program, Knoxville, TN. Courses Taught: Human
Spring 2021 Present: Coordinator: Environmental Science Major, Maryville College
2014 Present: Faculty Advisor for the Tri-Beta Biology National Honor Society
August 2012 2019: Adjunct Graduate Professor: Grand Valley State University
Graduate Program, Grand Valley, MI. Served on a Masters graduate
committee within the Biology Department.
August 2012 May 2016: Assistant Professor of Biology: Maryville College, Maryville, TN
Courses Taught: Natural History of the Great Smoky Mountains,
Zoology, Biology for non-majors, Ecology, Ornithology,
Conservation Biology, Vertebrate Field Biology, Study Abroad
(Bonaire and New Zealand), GIS.
August 2007 May 2011: Assistant Professor of Biology: Alderson Broaddus College,
Philippi, WV. Awarded Tenure Fall 2009. Courses taught: General
Biology, GIS, Mammalogy, Ecology, Environmental Science,
Conservation Biology, Ornithology, Physiology, and College First
Year Experience (additional courses listed below).
August 1998 May 2003: Instructor/Assistant Professor of Biology: Alderson Broaddus
College, Philippi, WV. Courses taught (in addition to those listed
above): Wildlife Ecology and Techniques, Genetics, Cell Biology,
Immunology, Microbiology, Microbial Ecology.
January-May 1997: Adjunct Science Professor: Lakeland College, Chippewa valley
center, Chippewa Falls, WI.
Fall 1996/Spring 1997: Substitute Teacher: Spooner School District, Spooner, Wisconsin.
March 1996: Community Instructor: Explore, Discover, Experience
West Bend, WI.
Recent (since 2010) Senior Studies, Personal Research, Volunteer, and Graduate work):
Summer 2021: Co-Principal Investigator: Spawning behavior and population
dynamics of the Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) on
Cumberland Island National Seashore, St. Marys, Georgia. Senior
Study Student: Samantha Stacy (2021 Ongoing).
2021 Present: Principal Investigator: Ecology, Impact, and Management of a
beaver created wetland in Great Smoky Management Park. Work to
begin September 2021.
2020 Present: Principal Investigator: Possible reintroduction of the eastern
hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) into Hesse Creek, Blount
County, TN. Work in conjunction with the National Park service,
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Southeastern Hellbender
Conservation Initiative, and Private landowners. Two senior study
students: Maggie Wilson (2021) and Cooper Read (2021).
2017 - Present: Principal Investigator: Success of American Chestnut (Castanea
dentata) hybrid saplings in a Walland, TN backcross seed orchard.
Senior Study Student: Kathryn Maley (2019) (completed).
2015 - Present: Principal Investigator: Population dynamics, genetics, and
homerange of an isolated box turtle (Terrapene carolina) population
in a small woodlot in eastern Tennessee (ongoing). Senior Study
Student: Valerie Whitehead (2018) (completed) and Sarah Gordon
(2018) (completed).
2015 - Present: Co-Principal Investigator: Burrow use, population dynamics,
parasite load, habitat selection, and reaction to control burning
practices of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumblerland
Island National Seashore, Georgia (ongoing). Conducted in
conjunction with the National Park Service at Cumberland Island
National Seashore. Senior Study Students: Thomas Moore (2016)
(completed) and Reeve Moore (2017) (completed), Rebecca
Roberson (2021 ongoing).
2015 - Present: Principal Investigator: Amphibian diversity, abundance, and
distribution within the Cane Creek Watershed of Great Smoky
Mountains National park and adjacent private property (ongoing).
Conducted in conjunction with the National Park Service at Great
Smoky Mountains National Park. Senior Study Students: Addison
Grimm (2015), Chris Sammons (2017), Miranda Pendergrass (2018)
(completed), Gavin Dougherty (ongoing).
2013 - Present: Co-Principal Investigator: Basking behavior of Bonaire Whiptail
Lizards on Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands (ongoing).
Senior Study Students: Lauren Bonee (2014), Julia Vineyard (2016)
2013 - Present: Principal Investigator: Reef fish populations and coral reef health
on the island of Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands (ongoing).
Senior Study Students: Hana Henry (2014), Casey Gentile (2016)
2016 - Present: Principal Investigator: Biofluorescence and indicator species as a
measure of coral reef health on the island of Bonaire, Municipality of
the Netherlands (ongoing). Senior Study Student: Tommy Wright
(2016) (completed), Laurel Woodward (2019) (Ongoing).
Academic Year 2015/2016: Senior Study Research (Alyssa Hughes): A long term (10 day)
study of the physiological effects of repetitive scuba diving (2016)
Academic Year 2014/2015: Senior study research (Amy Shea Bryant): “Search and rescue
Incident analysis and GIS assessment from years 2010 2014 in the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park”. Conducted in conjunction
with the National Park Service at Great Smoky Mountains National
Park. (2014) (completed)
Academic year 2014/2015: Senior Study Research (Allison Peeler): Parasite load and cross
contamination risk in equines at a rural equestrian facility in east-
Tennessee(2015) (completed).
Summers 2013, 2014: Principal Investigator: Small mammal density, diversity, and
distribution within American marten (Martes americana) habitat in
the Lower Peninsula of Michigan (completed). Senior Study
Students: David Lee Haskins (2013), Mary Feely (2014)
Academic year 2013/2014: Principal Investigator: Occupancy rate of established bat boxes
given thermal variation due to orientation and color (ongoing).
Academic year 2013/2014: Principal Investigator: Presence of a flying squirrel (Glaucomys
volans) population within the college woods of Maryville College,
Maryville TN (ongoing).
Academic year 2013/2014: Senior study research (Natalia Mock): Thesis title: Impact of a
small woodlot on biotic and chemical stream quality(2013)
Academic Year 2012/2013: Senior Study Research (Thomas Mitchell): Thesis title: “It’s a
bioblitz: A comparative study of an accepted and newly adopted
sampling technique in field biology”. Conducted in conjunction with
the National Park Service at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
(2013) (completed).
Academic Year 2012/2013: Senior Study Research (Matthew Morgan): Thesis title: Activity
and time budget of squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)” (completed).
Academic Year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Amanda Peoples): Recycling Renovations”
(2012) (completed).
Academic Year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Erin Armstrong): Interaction of Gustatory
and Olfactory senses” (completed).
Academic Year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Jennifer Chancey): Allegheny Woodrat
(Neotoma magister) population check in West Virginia”. Conducted
in conjunction with the West Virginia Department of Natural
Resources (completed).
Academic year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Eli Joseph): “Tree Survey of the Campus of
Alderson Broaddus College(completed).
Academic year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Mary Lough): Weight Gain and
Physiological Changes of First Time Freshmen at Alderson-
Broaddus College (completed).
Academic year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Kaitlyn Marple): Factors Effecting
Commonly Diagnosed Canine and Feline Diseases(completed).
Academic year 2011/2012: Senior Study Research (Gwen Brand):Wildflowers Survey of
Alderson-Broaddus College Campus” (completed).
Academic year 2010/2011: Senior Study Research (Derek Patsy): BioBlitz for Salamanders
Species on Alderson Broaddus Hill(completed).
Summer 2011: Collaborator: Population dynamics and resource selection of a
reintroduced American marten (Martes americana) population in the
Lower Peninsula of Michigan (completed). Research conducted in
collaboration with Grand Valley State University and The Little
River Band of Ottawa Indian Tribe.
Winter 2011: Volunteer: Colorado Division of Wildlife. Assisted in the
tracking, capture, and processing of puma (Puma concolor).
Summer 2010: Volunteer: Colorado Division of Wildlife. Radio-tracked
Puma both ground and aerial, located natal den sites, and assisted in
processing kittens.
March 2010: Volunteer: Yellowstone National Park Wolf Project. Winter Field
Study. Evaluated winter wolf (Canis lupus nubilus) kills, data
collection on hunting behavior, pack leadership, etc.
Summer 2009: Volunteer: Yellowstone National Park Wolf Project. Wolf
Predation Study. Evaluated winter wolf (Canis lupus nubilus) kills,
data collection on hunting behavior, pack leadership, etc.
Summer 2008: Research Technician: Colorado Division of Wildlife. Radio-tracked
lynx (Felis lynx) for the annual reproduction survey project.
July 2003 December 2007: Doctoral Candidate: University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Spring 2006: Co-Principal Investigator: Evaluating geo-referenced infrared
technologies for surveying large mammals: Applications for elk
(Cervus elaphus) and black bear in southeastern KY.
Summers 2003 2006: Crew Leader, Black Bear Research and Trapping: Coordinated all
field and technical aspects of non-nuisance trapping and ecological
research of black bear in southeastern Kentucky for the University of
Kentucky Black Bear Project.
Summer 2003: Research Technician: Colorado Division of Wildlife. Radio-tracked
lynx, located natal den sites, and assisted in processing kittens.
Summer 2002: Research technician: University of Tennessee, Arkansas Fish and
Game, USFWS. Trapped and processed black bears on the White
River National Wildlife Refuge.
Summers 1999, 2000: Research technician: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
(WDNR). Assisted in research conducted on wolves in northern
Wisconsin. Duties included trapping wolves, collecting radio
telemetry data, howling surveys, and wolf homesite investigation.
September 1997: Research technician: Stevens Point Fisheries Coop, US Fish and
Wildlife Service. Assisted in sampling of small (Micropterus
dolomieui) and large mouth (Micropterus salmoides) bass
populations of three northern Wisconsin lakes.
Summer 1996: Research Technician: Buena Vista Prairie Chicken Research Station
Stevens Point, WI. Assisted in field research of the Greater Prairie
Chicken (Tympanucus cupido pinnatus). Duties included trapping
birds, radio telemetry, and vegetation analysis.
Jan. 1995 December 1998: Masters Student, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.
June 1994-December 1995: Research Technician: WDNR. Conducted research on the US
Highway 53 wolf study. Duties included trapping wolves,
collecting radio telemetry data, determining annual territories, and
conducting howling surveys.
Summer 1994: Volunteer Wolf Trapper: WDNR.
1992-1994: Research Biochemist Affinity Biotech, Philadelphia, PA
Summer 1991: Research Technician Savannah River National Ecology Laboratories
Aiken, SC. Research was an analysis of Cesium 137 vs age of
yellow bullhead catfish (Ictalurus natalis). Also performed
population census of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis).
Successful Grants and Scholarships:
2022: Faculty Development Award (Maryville College): $2500 to perform
an exploratory study abroad trip to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador in
May 2023
2022: Global Plus Fellow (Maryville College): Awarded $5000 to perform
an exploratory study abroad trip to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador in
May 2023
2022: Co-Author: Senior Study Grant (Chestnut Orchard Work) granted to
senior study student Erin Victorson ($237)
2021: Author: Naylor Grant, Maryville College: Competitive Grant
funding from Faculty Development Committee (FDC) for
student/professor research over the summer ($7600).
2021: Coauthor: National Park Service Fire Management Grant ($15,000).
Addendum to PMIS247810. Evaluation of control burn effects on
Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus Polyphemus) on Cumberland Island
National Seashore.
2021: Coauthor: National Park Service Grant ($49,200). PMIS 247810.
Evaluation of Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus Polyphemus) Population
Dynamics on Cumberland Island National Seashore. Submitted
2018, Awarded 2020 for summer 2021 work.
2019: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA Ledford
Scholarship ($4000). CoAuthor: Laurel Woodward
2017: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($6100). Coauthor: Valerie Whitehead.
2016: Author: Naylor Grant, Maryville College: Competitive Grant
funding student/professor research over the summer ($3650).
2016: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($6100). Coauthor: Thomas Moore
2015: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($4400). Coauthor: Thomas Moore
2015: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($6100). Coauthor: Allison Peeler
2014: Coauthor: Cargill Grant, purchase of a 400mm lens for biology
department to be used for both biology and environmental
studies students. ($1500) Coauthor: Drew Crain
2014: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($5080) Coauthor: Mary Feely
2013: Author: Cargill Grant: for purchase of equipment and supplies to
determine the presence of a flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans)
population in the Maryville College Woods. ($3000)
2013: Maryville College Institutional Funding: Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus
fuscus) conservation and research ($6000)
2013: Coauthor: Appalachian College Association (ACA) Ledford
Scholarship ($3000) Coauthor: David Lee Haskins
2013: Coauthor: Centers for Career and Counseling, Maryville College
($4000) Coauthor: David Lee Haskins
2011: Burbick Foundation Faculty Development Grant ($2820)
2010: Burbick Foundation Faculty Development Grant ($3405)
2009: Burbick Foundation Faculty Development Grant ($1700)
2008: Alderson Broaddus College Travel Grant (~$1000)
2007: Appalachian College Association Travel Grant ($500)
2006: University of Kentucky Travel Grant ($650)
2006: Coauthor: Evaluation of infrared technologies for estimating black
bear and elk populations in Kentucky ($89,913).
USDA CSREES ($39,913)
Rocky Mt. Elk Foundation ($10,000)
Turner Foundation ($40,000)
2005: University of Kentucky Travel Grant ($400)
2005: Shikar Safari Club International ($20,000)
2004: University of Kentucky Travel Grant ($1,000)
2002: Foundation Grant Mr. Thomas Litwiler ($30,000)
2001: Foundation Grant Mr. Thomas Litwiler ($3,000)
2000: Appalachian College Association Travel Grant ($500)
1995: Milwaukee Zoological Society Grant ($500)
1990: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies Scholarship ($unknown)
Manuscript Reviewer:
Wildlife Biology
American Midland Naturalist
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
Acta Theriologica (now Mammal Research)
Selected Publications (Published, In Press, or In Review):
Haskins, D.L.*, M. Feely, J.J. Jacquot, P.W. Keenlance, R.L. Sanders, J.A.
Daly, and D.E. Unger. 2020. Small Mammal Prey Base for American
Marten (Martes americana) within the Manistee National Forest of
Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 183: 38-51.
*Maryville College Senior Study Student
Haskins, D.L.*, J.J. Enz, and D. E. Unger. 2017. Social behavior of the
Sharptail snake eel (Myrichthys breviceps) on a southern reef of Bonaire.
Caribbean Naturalist 44:1-4.
*Maryville College Senior Study Student
Sanders, R. L., A. Cornman, P. Keenlance, J.J. Jacquot, D. E. Unger, and M.
Spriggs. 2017. Resting Site Characteristics of American Marten in the
Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. American Midland Naturalist.
Sazatornil, V. A. Rodríguez, M. Klaczek, M. Ahmadi, F. Álvares, S. Arthur, J.
Blanco, B. Borg, H. Cluff, Y. Cortés, E. García, E. Geffen, B. Habib, Y.
Iliopoulos, M. Kaboli, M. Krofel, L. Llaneza, F. Marucco, J. Oakleaf, D.
Person, H. Potočnik, N. Razen, H. Rio-Maior, H. Sand, D. Unger, P.
Wabakken and J. López-Bao. 2016. The role of human-related risk in
breeding site selection by a large carnivore. Biological Conservation
Unger, D.E., J.J. Cox, H.B. Harris, J.L. Larkin, B. Augustine, S. Dobey, J.M.
Guthrie, J.T. Hast, R. Jensen, S. Murphy, J. Plaxico, and D.S. Maehr. 2013.
History and current status of the black bear in Kentucky. Northeastern
Naturalist 20:289-308.
Unger, D.E., P.W. Keenlance, B.E. Kohn, and E.M. Anderson. 2009. Factors
influencing gray wolf homesite selection in northwestern Wisconsin and
East-Central Minnesota. Pages 175 190 in: Wydeven, A.P., T.R. Van
Deelen, and E.J. Heske (editors). Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great
Lakes Region of the United States: An Endangered Species Success Story.
Springer, New York, NY, USA.
J.L. Larkin, D.S. Maehr, J. Krupa, K. Alexy, J.J. Cox, D. Unger, and C. Barton.
2008. Small Mammal Response to Vegetation and Soil Conditions on a
Reclaimed Surface Mine in Eastern Kentucky. Southeastern Naturalist
Unger, D.E., S. Fei, and D.S. Maehr. 2008. Ecological niche factor analysis to
determine habitat suitability of a recolonizing carnivore. Pages 237 250 in
P. Bettinger, K. Merry, S. Fei, J. Drake, N. Nibbelink, and J. Hepinstall
(editors). Proceedings of the 6
Southern Forestry and Natural Resources
GIS Conference. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Unger, D.E. and D.S. Maehr 2005. Colonization of the black bear in Kentucky:
Ecological Findings. Eastern Bear Workshop, Tallahassee, FL 18:38-42.
Kohn, B.E., J.L. Frair, D.E. Unger, T.M. Gehring, D.P. Shelly, E.M.
Anderson, and P.W. Keenlance. 1999. Impacts of Highway construction on
wolves in northwestern Wisconsin. pp. 53-65 in Evink, G.L., P.Garrett, and
D. Zeigler (editors). Third International Conference on Wildlife Ecology
and Transportation. Florida DOT. 330 pp.
Recent Conference Presentations (Since 2013) by Undergraduate Senior Study Students:
2019: American Chestnut Foundation National Annual
Conference, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Success of American
chestnut (Castanea dentata) hybrid seedlings in a Walland, TN
backcross seed orchard. Student: Kathryn Maley
2017: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Montgomery,
Alabama. Basking Behavior of the Bonaire Whiptail Lizard
(Cnemidophorus murinus) on the island of Bonaire, Municipality of
the Netherlands. Student: Julia Vineyard.
2017: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Montgomery,
Alabama. Burrow use, population dynamics, and reaction to control
burning practices of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on
Cumblerand Island National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas
2016: Gopher Tortoise Council Meetings, Palatka, FL. Burrow
use, population dynamics, and reaction to control burning practices
of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumberland Island
National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas Moore
2016: Appalachian College Association Summit, Kingsport, TN. Burrow
use, population dynamics, and reaction to control burning practices
of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumberland Island
National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas Moore
2016: 22
Wildlife Society Meetings, Raleigh, NC. Burrow use,
population dynamics, and reaction to control burning practices of
gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumberland Island
National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas Moore
2016: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Concord, NC.
Burrow use, population dynamics, and reaction to control burning
practices of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumberland
Island National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas Moore
2015: Appalachian College Association Summit, Kingsport, TN. Burrow
use, population dynamics, and reaction to control burning practices
of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on Cumberland Island
National Seashore, Georgia. Student: Thomas Moore
2015: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Chattanooga, TN.
Small mammal trapping success, density, diversity, and distribution
within American marten (Martes americana) habitat in the Lower
Peninsula of Michigan. Student: Mary Feely
2015: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Chattanooga, TN.
Impact of a Small Woodlot on Biotic and Chemical Stream Quality.
Student: Natalia Mock
2015: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Chattanooga, TN.
Basking behavior of the Bonaire Whiptail Lizard (Cnemidophorus
murinus) on the island of Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands.
Student: Lauren Bonee
2015: Association of Southeastern Biologists Meetings, Chattanooga, TN.
Reef Fish Diversity as associated with anthropogenic impact on the
island of Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Student: Hana
2014: 21
Wildlife Society Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA. Small mammal
trapping success, density, diversity, and distribution within American
marten (Martes americana) habitat in the Lower Peninsula of
Michigan. Student: Mary Feely
2014: Appalachian College Association Meetings, Knoxville, TN. Small
mammal trapping success, density, diversity, and distribution within
American marten (Martes americana) habitat in the Lower Peninsula
of Michigan. Student: Mary Feely
2013: 20
Wildlife Society Meetings, Milwaukee, WI. Small mammal
density, diversity, and distribution within American marten (Martes
americana) habitat in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Student:
David Lee Haskins
2013: Appalachian College Association Meetings, Knoxville, TN. Small
mammal density, diversity, and distribution within American marten
(Martes americana) habitat in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.
Student: David Lee Haskins
Conference Presentations (As Senior Author):
2013: Poster: 20
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Milwaukee, WI
2009: Poster: 16
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Monterey, CA
2008: Speaker: 15
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Miami, FL
2008: Speaker: 6
Southern Forestry and GIS Resources, Orlando, FL
2006: Poster: 13
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Anchorage, AK
2005: Speaker: 12
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Madison, WI
2005: Speaker: Kentucky Wildlife Society Meetings, Pineville, KY
2005: Speaker: Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Tallahassee, FL
2004: Speaker: 11
Annual Wildlife Society Meetings, Calgary, Canada
2000: Poster: Beyond 2000 International Wolf Conference, Duluth, MN
1997: Speaker: 59
annual Midwest Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI
1996: Poster: Milwaukee Zoological Society Meeting.
1995: Speaker: 57
annual Midwest Wildlife Conference, Detroit, MI
1992: Speaker: National Sigma Zeta Honor Society Meeting, Decatur, IL
Study Abroad Experience:
May 2023: Exploratory Trip: Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Investigated
Islands for possible future study abroad experience for
undergraduate students at Maryville College.
May 2020: Trip Leader: New Zealand. All preparation made, trip itinerary
set, relationships in country established, activities finalized. Trip
Cancelled due to COVID-19 global pandemic.
May 2019: Trip Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Eleven
(11) undergraduate students learned about the history,
culture, and natural history of coral reefs and terrestrial habitats of
Bonaire. Two senior studies involving reef fish diversity and
biofluorescence of corals were completed on this trip..
Jan 2017: Trip Leader: New Zealand. Ten (10) undergraduate students were
exposed to the natural history, conservation efforts, architecture,
economy, indigenous people, and culture of New Zealand.
June 2016: Co-Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands assisting 2
professors and 16 students (graduate and undergraduate) from
Maryville College, Marshall University (WV) and Jacksonville
University (FL) using SCUBA.
March 2016: Trip Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Fourteen
(14) undergraduate students were involved in 5 different senior
study projects ranging from reef health to the physiology of diving.
May 2014: Co-Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Twenty
(20) students (graduate and undergraduate) from Marshall
University (WV) and Jacksonville University (FL) using SCUBA.
March 2014: Trip Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Twelve
(12)undergraduate students. This was the first ever Maryville
College, Natural Sciences Division Study Abroad course focused
on scientific research and ecological investigation using SCUBA.
This also introduced to Maryville College the concept of a
semester imbedded study abroad.
March 2012: Trip Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Twelve
(12) undergraduate students were involved in both terrestrial and
aquatic research (using SCUBA).
March 2011: Co-Leader: Bonaire, Municipality of the Netherlands. Twelve
(12) undergraduate students were involved in both terrestrial and
aquatic research (using SCUBA).
May, 2009: Co-leader: South Africa. Took 21 undergraduate students to The
Wildlife College, Kruger National Park, private nature preserves
(e.g., Timbavati, Manyeleti), and local communities of eastern
South Africa.
March, 2009: Exploratory trip to New Zealand for the Natural Science Division,
AB College, Philippi, WV.
Honors and Awards:
2019: Course Director of the Year: South College Physician Assistant Program,
South College, Knoxville, TN.
2019: Induction by Fellow Faculty into Phi Alpha, the National Physician
Assistant Honor Society. South College, Knoxville, TN
2014: Outstanding Teacher of the Year: Maryville College, Maryville, TN
2012: Runner-Up: Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year award, Alderson
Broaddus College, Philippi, WV
2011: Nominee: Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year award, Alderson
Broaddus College, Philippi, WV
2002: Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
1998: Outstanding Student Wildlife Presentation Award, 59
Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI
1992: National Collegiate Natural Sciences Award
1990: National Collegiate Natural Sciences Award
Institutional Committee Work:
Maryville College (2012 present)
Spring 2022: Member, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Task Force
2020/2021: Chair, institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2019/2020: Chair, institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2018/2019: Chair, institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2017/2018: Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2016/2017: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2015/2016: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
2014/2015: International Program Committee
2014/2015: Lab Fees Advisory Committee (Natural Sciences Committee)
2014/2015: Core Curriculum Working Group
2013/2014: International Program Committee
2013/2014: Student Government Faculty Liaison
2013/2014: Student Life Committee
2012/2013: Tenure Task Force Developed document to be used by the board of
directors for addressing high tenure percentages on campus
2012/2013: Admissions Director Search Committee
2012/2013: FYS (first year experience) course development committee
Alderson-Broaddus College (1999 2002, 2007 2012)
2011/2012: Strategic planning committee, mineral rights task force, advising task
force, committee on committees, study abroad committee, honors
program committee, Natural Science Division Honors Awards (NSH).
2010/2011: Institutional Budget, Faculty Liaison to the Board, International
Studies (chair), Freshman Experience Task Force, NSH
2009/2010: Institutional Budget, Faculty Liaison to the Board, NHS, Committee
on Committee (COC, Chair)
2008/2009: Institutional Budget, Faculty Liaison to the Board, NSH, COC
2007/2008: Institutional Budget, NSH
2002/2003: Institutional Budget, NSH
2001/2002: Institutional Budget, Athletic, NSH
2000/2001: Institutional Budget, Educational Personnel Preparation Advisory
Committee (EPPAC), Athletic
1999/2000: Institutional Budget, EPPAC, Natural Science Division Honors
Awards, Athletic Committee
Society Memberships:
The Wildlife Society
Association of Southeastern Biologists
The Society for Conservation Biology
Related Training:
2015: Animal Psychologist Certification: Online Academies
2003: Immobilization Seminar: Kentucky Department of Fish and
Wildlife Resources, Frankfort, Kentucky.
1996: Safe Capture International: Immobilization seminar, Dr. Keith
Amass, Stevens Point, WI.
1994: Wildlife Science Center: Training in the immobilization,
vaccination, blood draw, and medical treatment of timber wolves.
SCUBA Training:
July 2022: NAUI certified advanced Rescue Diver
May 2022: Swift Water Awareness Certificate, TN Association of Rescue Squads
August 2020: NAUI NITROX certification
August 2017: NAUI Certified Public Safety Diver (PSD)
December 2016: NAUI Certified Dive Master
October 2014: PADI certified Aquanaut
April 2014: NAUI dry suit certified
May 2012: PADI Certified Rescue Diver
May 2011: PADI Certified Advanced Open Water Diver
May 2011: PADI Certified Open Water Diver
Other Experiences/Skills:
Spring 2021: Curriculum Development: Assisted in the development of a Bachelor of
Science Environmental Science Major at Maryville College.
December 2020: Commencement Speaker: South College Physician Assistant Program
Graduation Ceremonies, South College, Knoxville, TN.
March 2020: Invited Lecturer: Creation Care Study Program (CCSP), Kaikoura, New
Zealand. See details below.
May 2019: Keynote Speaker: 99
annual meeting of the Webster Groves Nature Study
Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
March 2019: Invited Lecturer: Creation Care Study Program (CCSP), Kaikoura, New
Zealand. See details below.
November 2017: Invited Lecturer: CCSP Environmental Study Abroad Program, Kaikoura,
New Zealand. Taught Terrestrial Ecology from November 18 26
, 2017
spanning ecosystems from the east to west coast over Arthur’s Pass on the
South Island of New Zealand.
Summer 2017: Independent contractor GIS: Produced a professional grade map of trails on
and near the property of Mountain Homes, Incorporated, Walland, TN using
ArcGIS 10.4.1 software.
Summers 2014 - 2019: Teacher, Natural History Interpreter: “Great Smokies Experience”, a program
to expose high school students to field biology in the Smoky Mountains.
Summers 2013 - 2020: Presenter/Lecturer. Assisted with NSF fundedScots Science Scholars”, a
program designed to give select freshmen students a “head start” on STEM at
Maryville College.
2013 Present: Co-Coordinator, STEMFEST. This is an annual STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math) carnival put on by the Tri-Beta Biology honor society
and the American Chemical Society (ACS) professional group. Carnival
attracts ~1000 campus students, area public schools, community, and
community partners. Budget from 2013 2017 has increased from $1000 -
$18000 due to increasing popularity and demand.
April, 201, 2018: Invited speaker: Tellico Village Bird Club, Knoxville, TN.
October 2016: Invited Speaker: Great Smoky Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited,
Knoxville, TN.
Summer 2016: GIS consultant, Carpenter’s Elementary School Wetlands Project. Produced a
professional grade map for school using ArcGIS 10.2 software.
May 2016: Invited Speaker: “Tuesdays at 2” Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center,
Townsend, TN.
September 2015: Invited Speaker:From Research to Application” lecture series, Western
Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC.
Academic Year 2015: Curriculum Development: Created (with a great deal of assistance from
colleagues) an Environmental Science Minor at Maryville College.
February 2015: Invited Speaker: Jacksonville Universitys Science and Engineering Lecture
Series, Jacksonville, FL.
October 2014: Curriculum Development: Created a new environmental science minor for
Maryville College, Maryville, TN.
2014: Created the first professional grade trail map of the Maryville College woods,
Maryville, TN.
July 2014: Invited Speaker: Mountain Wildlife Days, Sapphire, NC.
May 2014: Invited Speaker: Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Maryville, TN
January 2014: Invited Speaker: Wilderness Wildlife Week, Gatlinburg, TN.
August 2013 - 2015: Invited Speaker: Ijams Nature Center Hummingbird Festival, Knoxville, TN.
Spring 2013: Designed and built a new Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lab for the
Natural Sciences Division of Maryville College, Maryville, TN.
2012, 2013, 2015: Invited Speaker: Holly Springs Audubon Hummingbird Festival, Holly
Springs, MS.
2011: Independent contractor GIS. Mapping, Data and Attribute restructuring
using ArcGIS 9.0 for Alderson Broaddus College, Philippi, WV.
2007 - 2010: Assisted with the “outdoor club”, A-B College
October 2007: Invited Guest Lecturer: Grand Valley State University
Spring 2007, 2008: Invited Speaker: Cumberland Gap National Historic Park. Gave
informational talks on black bear ecology, behavior, and safety.
Summers 2003 - 2005: Speaker: Gave presentations to public school children on the ecology and
Research field techniques of the American Black Bear at Cumberland Gap
National Historic Park.
1994, 1995, 1996: Gave public talks in northern Wisconsin public schools on grey wolf ecology,
safety, and wolf conservation.
Film/Television Credits:
October 3, 2015: Rock the Park”, Tremendous Entertainment, Season 2 Episode 1
October 17, 2015: “Rock the Park”, Tremendous Entertainment, Season 2, Episode 3