Novozymes SciMatch
Using Google Maps for Reimbursement
Step 1: Go to and search for the location you will be visiting.
Step 2: Once you have found your destination, click on Directions.
Step 3: Type in your starting address (home or work).
Step 4: Click “Add destination and enter in the address you will be returning to (home or
Step 5: Select your route (if there are choices) and click DETAILS
Step 6: Click the PRINT icon and select “Print text only
Step 7: Add a note with your name, school name and SciMatch for record-keeping purposes
and clink Print
Step 8: If you can, print the document as a pdf file. If not, print the first page to a printer
and scan or photograph the printout.
Step 9: Email your directions as an attachment to Please include
SciMatch mileage reimbursementin the subject line and be sure you have also attached a
completed W9.
Step 10: Check the mailbox! (But not too soon because University payments do take time to