December 23, 2022
FROM: Shalanda D. Young
Office of Management and Budget
Debra Steidel Wall
Acting Archivist of the United States
National Archives and Records Administration
SUBJECT: Update to Transition to Electronic Records
Strong records management is necessary for transparency and accountability and
underpins our democracy. Transitioning Federal agencies
to an electronic or paperless”
environment is a priority to enable and increase the ability of the public to engage with
Government in new and more efficient and effective ways. It is critical that Federal agencies
move beyond paper-based processes and embrace the opportunities afforded to improve
Government by transitioning fully to an electronic environment.
Memorandum M-19-21, Transition to Electronic Records, issued jointly by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) and the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA), established several requirements to move Federal agencies to a fully electronic
environment, where appropriate. Agencies may have been delayed in their electronic records
transition process during the COVID-19 pandemic. This memorandum reinforces the
requirements established in M-19-21, reaffirms the underlying goal of the transition to electronic
records, and updates the previous target dates described in M-19-21. This memorandum also
describes NARA’s plans to issue updated guidance, as appropriate.
1.1 By June 30, 2024, Federal agencies must manage all permanent records in an
electronic format.
No later than June 30, 2024, all permanent records in Federal agencies must be managed
electronically to the fullest extent possible for eventual transfer and accessioning by NARA. As
This memorandum applies to “Federal agencies” as defined by 44 U.S.C. § 2901(14).
with the previous policy, permanent records accessioned into NARA or transferred for storage
into Federal Records Centers before June 30, 2024, are not required to be managed electronically.
1.2 After June 30, 2024, Federal agencies must transfer all permanent records in an
electronic format and with appropriate metadata.
After June 30, 2024, all agencies must transfer permanent records to NARA in electronic
formats and with appropriate metadata in accordance with NARA regulations and transfer
guidance. Agencies may request a limited exception to this requirement from NARA in
circumstances where replacing specific analog records with electronic systems would be
burdensome to the public, the cost would exceed the benefit, statutory or regulatory barriers
impede implementation, or there is exceptional intrinsic value in the original format.
1.3 By June 30, 2024, Federal agencies must manage all temporary records in an
electronic format or store them in commercial records storage facilities.
By June 30, 2024, all temporary records in Federal agencies must be managed
electronically to the fullest extent possible. Agencies may continue to produce and store certain
records in analog formats if they receive a limited exception from NARA for one of the reasons
established in paragraph 1.2, but all other inactive records eligible for transfer after June 30,
2024, must be stored in commercial storage facilities. This does not apply to temporary records
that are transferred for temporary storage into Federal Records Centers before June 30, 2024.
By June 30, 2024, all agencies must close agency-operated records storage facilities and
transfer inactive, temporary records to Federal Records Centers or commercial records storage
facilities. Temporary analog records that become eligible for transfer after June 30, 2024 must
be transferred to commercial storage facilities that meet NARA records storage requirements.
1.4 After June 30, 2024, NARA will no longer accept transfers of permanent or
temporary records in analog formats and will accept records only in an electronic
format with appropriate metadata.
After June 30, 2024, NARA will no longer accept new transfers of permanent or temporary
analog records unless NARA has provided a limited exception, as described in paragraphs 1.2
and 1.3. NARA will continue to store and service all analog records transferred to a Federal
Records Center by June 30, 2024 until their scheduled disposition date. Once those records
reach their disposition date, NARA will accept the permanent records into the National Archives
in their original analog format and will appropriately dispose of the temporary records. All
other legal transfers of permanent records must be in an electronic format, regardless of whether
the records were originally created in electronic formats. Starting on July 1, 2024, agencies will
be required to digitize permanent records created in analog formats before transfer to NARA.
Digitization and transfer must be made in accordance with NARA regulations and transfer
guidance, including metadata requirements.
1.5 NARA will issue records management regulations and guidance to support
Federal agencies' transition to fully electronic recordkeeping.
No later than June 30, 2024, NARA will issue updated regulations and guidance to
provide clear standards for fully electronic recordkeeping. NARA will also issue regulations
and clear policies that permit agencies to digitize permanent records created in analog formats
and, where appropriate, dispose of analog originals. NARA will issue updated regulations
providing agencies with guidance on electronic records storage, formats, and metadata, as well
as transfer guidance. NARA will provide guidance to efficiently schedule, transfer, and
accession permanent, electronic records through fully electronic processes.
No later than June 30, 2023, NARA will issue updated guidance clearly defining and
expanding the Capstone approach to include all types of electronic messaging in addition to
email, including ephemeral and encrypted messages. The updated guidance will incorporate
new statutory requirements codified in the Electronic Message Preservation Act (EMPA).
No later than December 31, 2023, NARA will issue guidance on managing Federal
records residing in collaborative working environments. The guidance will address ownership
of content by multiple Federal agencies across multiple platforms and will support efforts
already underway by the Chief Information Officer Council and the General Services
Administration (GSA).
1.6 NARA will establish Electronic Records Management (ERM) standards and
requirements for Federal agencies procuring ERM solutions and services.
No later than December 31, 2023, NARA will finalize ERM standards and
requirements for ERM solutions and services under the Federal Electronic Records
Modernization Initiative (FERMI), NARA’s comprehensive Government-wide strategy for
procuring records management solutions and services. Agencies should use FERMI
resources to comply with records management policies and mandates from NARA and
OMB, including the requirements above.
44 U.S.C. § 2912.