Frequently Asked Questions
What is Mobile ID?
Mobile ID (mID) is a secured, digitized version of your driver license or other state-issued ID that you carry
in an app on your smartphone. It can be used to verify your identity in-person and during online
transactions. It’s currently the ONLY form of mobile-phone-based ID that is verifiable against the record
created by Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) when you applied in person for a driver license or
state ID.
What do I need to use Mobile ID?
To enroll and use the Mobile ID:
You must have a valid and easily readable Mississippi driver license or state-issued photo ID card
You must own a smartphone
o Minimum Phone Requirement: Android 7 and newer; iPhone 6 and newer (iOS 13 and newer)
o Android 10-based EMUI 10 devices are NOT supported
You can’t use a jailbroken/rooted smartphone, so you can’t use a device where the software has
been manipulated to remove restrictions and limitations placed there by the manufacturer.
How can I use my Mobile ID?
mID can be used in any context in which you would use your physical ID to verify your age or identity,
where accepted. It is required to present a physical driver license when requested by law enforcement
and when going through TSA checkpoints at the airport. Mobile ID is considered an acceptable form of
identity verification by the State of Mississippi, however, because it is a new concept, some businesses
and organizations may not be aware of how to use it or have not yet developed processes to accept
mID. We will continually work with groups to familiarize them with mID and its use. Over time, we
expect acceptance to grow and the need to show your physical card to decrease.
How do I know Mobile ID is secure?
mID verifies your identity attributes and selfie photo against what is on file with the DPS. Only your
FaceID, TouchID or pin will unlock the app and access your mID. So, for instance, if your smartphone is
lost or stolen, no one will be able to access your mID app.
Does Mobile ID replace a physical driver license?
mID currently serves as a companion to your physical ID rather than a replacement. You can use it in any
context you would normally use your driver license or state-issued ID to verify your identity, except
during traffic stops or boarding a plane. You should still keep your physical ID as a back-up.
What does Mobile ID do with my data?
Mobile ID doesn’t permanently collect, store, or hold onto your personal data - except an encrypted
version of your driver license number and phone number to use as a record locator. The only places your
complete information is stored is with the DPS.
What if I am receiving an error message and cannot complete the
enrollment process?
Some common errors with common causes and solutions are listed below:
Error: mID Not Activated or Not Verified
You have an out-of-state credential.
Your Mississippi state credential is inactive, including expired or suspended.
Some information on your license is incorrect or out of date for example, last name or address
Your selfie failed to match the photo on file with the state. If the photo on your license is over 5
years old or drastically different from your current appearance, this could cause an error to occur.
Error: Issues with capturing Selfie
Here are some tips that will help with capturing the selfie:
Make sure you are in a well-lit area, not backlit by a window or strong light, and in front of a
neutral or plain backdrop such as a single-colored wall.
Make sure your phone is kept stead at eye level and only move your head in the direction of the 3
If the selfie times out, you may have taken too long to align the 3 dots and need to start over.
“Photo does not match” – This means your facial 1:1 comparison failed. You can try to capture a
new selfie. If that does not resolve the issue, then you will need to contact the state.
Error: Text Verification Failed or unable to active link in Text Message
Here are some of the reasons why text verification failed:
1. User selected “Don’t Allow” when prompted to give the app access to camera.
You must consent and acknowledge reading the terms of use, security policy, provide access
to the camera and accept app notifications. User must select OK from the permission pop-up
or will not be able to use the app.
2. SMS text has not been set up with your service provider. You will receive a confirmation and
URL via text. You will need to reach out to the service provider to verify it is set up.
3. User is copying the URL in the text message into a browser. You must click on the link in the
most recent text message. If you have tried requesting the setup text several times, it will be
the one at the bottom of the list.
Error: 60302 Registration Failed
The registration failure can occur for various reasons.
This could be the result of a poor selfie or selfie capture issue, see error: Issues with capturing
This could be a connection issue. If the images you have captured cannot be synced with the
server, try the following:
o Turn off wifi and try enrolling via cellular data or try using wifi if is failing on cellular.
Uninstall the app and start over.
If the above steps fail, this could be an issue with your record at DPS.
Error: 10400, 10404, 10403 or 60302
This error is the result of a poor connection.
Turn off wifi and try enrolling via cellular data.
Try using wifi if enrolling is failing on cellular.
Try again later.
Error: 60300-004 Enrollment session has timed out
Users must complete enrollment process within 15 minutes of receiving the text or starting the
process or it will time out. If this occurs, you will need to restart the enrollment.
You will receive a new authorization link via text and will need to click on the bottom link.
Who can I contact if I need help with my Mobile ID?
If for some reason your Mobile ID is not correctly working, please visit IDEMIA’s Mobile ID support site
at for more support options such as Email, Live Chat, and Helpdesk
service hours.